Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dawnette’s Havard-Hosted Implicit Association Test

My test result from the Skin-Tone Test is that I have a preference for Light Skinned people rather than Dark Skin. This proved to be somewhat correct. When I was younger all I wanted was a light-skinned boyfriend. I did have many light-skinned guys that would be very bold in wanting to get to know me in my past and even in my present. I do feel that the results were somewhat valid. The reason that I say somewhat valid is because I do not mind what color the person is on the outside. I get along with all race, creed, and color of people. It did make me think back to when I see a guy, who I usually go â€Å"Oooh-wee† over. Most of the time, the guy is usually lighter than I am. I guess I was stuck on the skin tone for so long that it is still very much a part of me. When I think about is it seems that it is just nature, because I do see many darker skinned individuals gravitating towards lighter-skinned people. I often wonder is that an instinct in us or solely a personal preference? My opinion is that it is difficult to accurately measure prejudice. Most people will not admit on a test or even in person that they think negatively of them due to their skin color. That fact alone makes it very difficult to measure prejudices amongst people. There are two major ways to categorize the measurements which sociologists calculate prejudice. One is through stratification by class and gender. The other is through several theoretical perspectives, such as: * Functional perspectives * Conflict perspectives * Labeling theory approaches The functional perspective looks at things like dysfunction. The conflict perspective deals with things like blaming the victim. The labeling theory approaches utilizes things like the self-fulfilling prophecy.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How the Rediscovery of the Works of Aristotle Challenged the Church

Rediscovery of the Works of Aristotle challenged the Church in several ways as it triggered the Scientific Renaissance. This was characterized by many inventions and discoveries. It is the discoveries that challenged the Church then and continue to do even today. Some of these discoveries caused people to start doubting what the church and Christianity beliefs had made them to believe. The developments in the study of the universe especially brought contradictions in what was discovered and what the Church Taught. An example is that while it was discovered that the sun did not move, the Bible which was very fundamental to the Church had verses that implied that the Sun moved. Developments in Astronomy a result of the rediscovery of the works of Aristotle are hence an example of its challenge to the Church (Kretzmann & Stump, 2001). What Scholasticism is and how it attempted to Reconcile Faith with Reason Scholasticism is a method of teaching where learners are encouraged to reason dialectically. This tool for learning enables the learners to learn how to argue with those holding beliefs and ideas that are different from theirs hence are able to persuade them to join them (Alvarez, 1971). The sole objective of Scholasticism was to resolve ideas that were contradicting or conflicting. This is because even though the ideas and beliefs were different, they shared some common principles which brought out the conflicts as individuals argued on which ones were right hence in an attempt to find the answers, Scholasticism was invented. It attempted to reconcile reason and faith by looking using Aristotle's philosophy of human reasoning to explain the Christian faith that was characterized by supernatural contents that could not be easily understood. It sought to bring together the wisdom of the Christianity religion and that of the Aristotle and other Greeks. The movement sought to integrate the two, that is the secular beliefs and Christian beliefs so as to come up with an ordered system used reason to explain faith. 2. How Renaissance Altered Views of Humanity and the Human Relationship with God prevalent during the Middle Ages. Renaissance period which was characterized by numerous cultural changes altered views of humanity in many ways. It emphasized so much on reasoning that some views of humanity that initially were believed to be against humanity became morally right due to reasoning. Most of the issues that are perceived to be inhuman such as suicide for example have their root s in this period. This is because it was during this period that individuals reasoned that actions such as suicide were the better option (Alvarez, 1971). For example it was reasoned that it was better for old people to commit suicide than to continue living as they suffer the complications that come with old age. The stoics were amongst the humanists who supported suicide in the event that it was done under such circumstances. Suicide was now seen and described as good death as it relieved younger people the burden of taking care of or killing individuals who were too old. Humanists such as Plato and Aristotle argued against suicide claiming that no circumstances could justify it as it left the responsibilities of those who killed themselves abandoned and denied the community a citizen who could contribute to its development. Other philosophers such as Jewish and Christian religions however believed that such action were against God’s desire and human good as they affected human responsibility to god as he created life to be preserved. Philosophers such as Michel de Montaigne even challenged condemnation of suicide arguing that it was a moral thing to do under certain circumstances and that it should be perceived as a religious belief but as a matter of choice as every human being had the freedom to choose. During the middle ages, the prevalence of human relationship with God was very low. This can be attributed to the many scientific discoveries that challenged the church and its beliefs hence deviating people’s beliefs from its teachings. The many philosophers and their theories also caused confusion causing their relationship with God not to be as strong as it was before. The Humanists, what they said and how they Contributed to Modern Education. Humanists scholars who challenged some of the philosophers shaped and established intellectual landscape from the middle age period to the present day. These philosophers include Thomas More and Niccolo Machiavelli who criticized contemporary government and some of the secular beliefs. Their theories and teachings revived the Roman’s and Greek's way of thinking and ideas. The challenging of Aristotelian status quo by humanists such as Martin Luther led to the introduction of faith and justification ideas that were new, liberal and radical. The justification theory is very crucial to modern education as many fields of study call for justification to be made before they can be accepted. This goes for research too. 3. How Dangerous Beauty Reflects Values Dominant in Venice and how it depicts relationship patterns between man and women. The fact that Marco was discouraged by his family from veronica even though he loved her implies that individuals in Venice value wealth more than any other thing. Veronica’s decision to become a courtesan in an effort to get money that would support her and her mother reflects the same value of the Venice individuals preferring wealth so much that they could even compromise their principles. The fact that Veronica was not the only one and that even her mother and grandmother had done the same thing implies that prostitution is a dominant thing in Venice especially with men of high social standing. This value has negative impact on the relationship between men and women. This goes especially for the married couples. We observe that Marco's marriage started experiencing problems as he had no intimate relationship with his wife once he started being with Veronica. The marriage eventually broke up. It can be concluded that both the values discussed above negatively affect the relationship between men and women. 4. How Lady Jane show the dynastic and religious conflicts prominent in England in the 16th Century The two weeks that Lady Jane ruled England and her execution brought out the existing dynastic and religious conflicts prominent in the Kingdom. We observe she was not the right person to inherit the throne from Edward VI. The only reason Edward chose her to succeed him and not Mary his half sister who was the rightful heiress at the time was because just like he was, Jane was a staunch protestant while Mary was Catholic. There seems to have been a religious conflict as the English nobles did not want the throne to be given to a catholic. Mary went away and gathered herself support. She later came back and denounced Jane as the Queen of England. According to the law she was the rightful heiress hence the parliament could do nothing but proclaim her as the Queen. Mary then imprisoned Jane and her husband. This brings out the dynasty conflicts in England within the Royal families. When Mary married a Roman catholic Prince from Spain called Philip, the protestants in England rebelled and carried out demonstrations as they were against catholic religion. Some even called fore the restoration of Jane as the Queen. This made Mary to execute her so as to repress any future rebellions and unrest within the kingdom. It was observed that this marked the climax of religious and dynasty conflicts in the kingdom at the time as Protestants did not want to be ruled by Catholics while the Catholics did not want to lose their grip on the throne. It can hence be concluded that dynasty and religious conflicts were prominent in England during the 16th Century. 5. The Hundred Schools of Thought, their chief Theorists, and what they said. Especially Confucius. The hundred schools of thought were schools and philosophers that sprang up and got established from the period 770-221B. C. E in China. These schools flourished during an era that the country was experiencing culture and intellectual expansion. The thoughts that were developed during this time influence the country up to now. The schools developed were confucianism, school of law, languages, Moism , amongst several others. The theorists of confucianism were Xunzi who argued that humans are not born good but that goodness is a virtue that is developed with time through training of ones conducts and desire. Mengzi another confucianism theorists argued that every individual had a responsibility and obligation to every one else in the society and not just to those they were acquainted with. He explained that one had to be careful in their action as they affected many people. Kongzi argued that ideal human beings were those that were gentlemen. He also explained social stratification and political governance could only exist peacefully by ethical values. He argued that good leader needed to be virtues in order for them to rule well. He added that the best relationship was achieved when leaders remained leaders while subjects accordingly remained so. 6. Buddhist Thought. The Buddhist Thought is based on three fundamental principles namely impermanence, selflessness and unsatisfactoriness. The thought is that all; things in life come from one source and eventually go back to the same source. It explains that everything in the world is connected to each other and none can exist independently or occurs apart from the rest. Its view is that everything in the world undergoes transformation and some change during its existence. This according to the thought is that things do not cease to exist, they only change their state through transformation and exist in other forms. This thought is what explains the religion's belief in rebirth. 7. Historians talk about the revolution of the 11th Century, which launch a series of conflicts between Church and state. What form did these conflicts take? The 11th century was characterized by many conflicts between the Church and state. These conflicts were mainly between kings and Popes. As both parties sought to have more power than the other, conflicts arose. Initially monarchs had ruled both the throne and the church as it was believed that they had divine right. But then, in contrast the pope was believed to be God's vicar on earth hence having the divine authority from God to the state. (Elliott, 1877). This resulted to the church having more power in the West but as secular kingdoms flourished, power struggle between the two sprang up. The conflict was between the secular ideologies of the state and the sacred ideologies of the church. Eventually the church lost some of its powers to the state.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Statistical Significance and Homemade Shampoo

A Study on Gugo and Okra as Homemade Shampoo A Research Done by: Francine Faye A. Jumaquio Majaline Faye A. Tolentino Romer T. Nepumoceno Talavera National High School Talavera Nueva Ecija A Study on Gugo and Okra as a Homemade Shampoo Claudine M. Lajara I-Rosal Introduction This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a homemade shampoo out of the native Gugo, scientific name Entada phaseuoliodes and Okra, scientific name Abelomoschus Esculentus L. in making different type of hair stronger. Four phases were done: Phase 1, the control treatment; Phase 2, homemade shampoo compared to control treatment; Phase 3, homemade shampoo compared to varied concentration of gugo and okra; and Phase 4, where the acceptability of the homemade shampoo was determine in terms of smoothness, softness, and manageability. Statement of the Problem: Specifically, the researchers aimed to answer the following questions: 1. Can gugo and okra be used as raw material in making shampoo? 2. How effective are gugo and okra on the tensile strength of the hair? 3. Which treatment is more effective – treatments with greater concentration of okra han gugo or more gugo than okra? Procedure A. Preparation of Materials About 10,000 hair strands were gathered from four respondents having different types of hair, (normal, and dry, ethnic, curly). In each type of hair, 2020 strands were used: 240 strands for water, okra, 10 percent gugo, and 100 percent gugo; 240 strands for seven brands of shampoo; 12 0 strands for gugo and okra; and 600 strands for 10 treatments with varied concentration of okra and gugo. Five hundred grams of gugo bark were boiled in 70 ml of water for 30 minutes, and strained to extract the juice. The decoction was placed in a clean bottle. To prepare okra decoction, 200 grams of okra fruits were boiled in 200 ml tap water for10 minutes. The cooked okra was masked for extraction and decoction was strained for the preparation of solution. The homemade shampoo was prepared from 50 ml gugo decoction and 50 ml okra decoction. A 58ml coconut oil was added to the mixture and placed in an earthen pot. It was heated for 5 minutes and placed in a clean bottle. The homemade shampoo was then prepared into two setups: setup A and setup B. The treatment involves four type of hair (normal, dry, ethnic, curly). Setup A Treatment |Gugo (ml) |Okra (ml) | |1 |50 |50 | |2 |40 |60 | |3 |30 |70 | |4 |20 |80 | |5 |10 |90 | Setup B Treatment |Gugo (ml) |Okra (ml) | |1 |50 |50 | |2 |60 |40 | |3 |70 |30 | |4 |80 |20 | |5 |90 |10 | B. Soaking Process and Determination of the Hair Strength In phase 1, four treatments were prepared: †¢ Treatment 1: water, †¢ Treatment 2: Okra , †¢ Treatment 3: 10 percent gugo, †¢ Treatment 4: 100 percent gugo. These are the control treatments. Six bowls were prepared and labeled as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minute, respectively. Sixty strands of normal hair were used and divided into 10 strands. The hair strands were simultaneously soaked in the respective bowls with 100 ml tap water and were removed when the time allotted for each bowl had elapsed. Then they were rinsed separately. They were placed in clean sheets of paper labeled according to the length of time they were soaked, (such as T1- water: 5 minutes; T2 – water: 10 minutes; and so on). The bowl used from the first treatment was washed thoroughly and were used again for the other treatments. The process was repeated for treatments 2, 3, 4. To determine the strength of the hair strands, a spring scale was used and five trials were done. From the 10 strands of normal hair, 5 strands from Treatment were tested. The hair strands were tied up to the spring scale at one end. A 15 cm length of the hair strands were maintained between the spring scale and the weight. The weight was pull until the hair snaps. The amount of force in Newton (I Newton = 100 grams) registered on the spring scale prior to the breaking of the hair was recorded and the average result from the five trial was computed. The process was repeated for treatments 2, 3, 4. Also the same process was done for ethnic, dry, and curly hair. In the second phase, 480 strands from four hair types were used. Out 480 strands, 120 strands of the hair were prepared for trial 1 and trial 2, using the homemade shampoo (gugo and okra). The same procedure ion phase 1 was done for these treatments. In the third phase, 2,400 strands of hair were prepared from the four types of hair. Out of 2,400 strands, 1,200 strands were used in setup A and another 1,200 in set up B. Each set up has 5 treatments and 60 hair strands were divided into ten, and each 10 were soaked separately in six bowls labeled 5, 10, 15, 22, 25, and 3 minutes, respectively. The same procedure from the previous phases was done to determine the hair strength. In the 4th phase, 20 female respondents, who had normal and dry hair were asked to apply Treatment 1 in setup A: 10 percent gugo + 90 percent okra. Most of their hairs were equal in length. The respondents treated their hair one by one. They wet their hair first and 20ml of this treatment was applied to the entire crown and was massaged on the scalp. After 1 min. , the hair was rinsed thoroughly with tap water. A clean towel was used to dry and comb their hair slowly. After 1 hour, the effect on the hair was observed using 1 to 4 scales. The following scales were used: |A. Softness |B. Smoothness |C. Manageability | |1 – slightly soft |1 – slightly smooth |1 – slightly manageable | |2 – fairly soft |2 – fairly smooth |2 – fairly manageable | |3 – soft |3 – smooth |3 – manageable | |4 – very soft |4 – very smooth |4 – very manageable | After having applied and observed the effects of treatment 1; treatments with 90% gugo + 10 % okra were used by the same respondents with the same procedure as of Set up A. Results, Discussion and Conclusion Phase 1: Significant comparison on the hair strength among the control treatments: There was no significant difference on the hair strength, considering the different types of hair. However, the longer the longer the time each type of hair was soaked, the greater the hair strength. Among the four treatments in this phase, the hair strength when soaked in 10 %gugo, were the strongest while water was the weakest. Phase 2: Significant comparison between homemade shampoo and control treatment: Normal hair was significantly strongest compared to curly, dry and ethnic. Among the control treatment, hair strength was the strongest when soaked in treatment three: 10% gugo. Treatment 1: water was registered the weakest. It was also observed that as the soaking time increased, the hair strength also increased. Phase 3: Significant comparison among homemade shampoo, control treatment, Setup A and Setup B: Normal hair was significantly stronger, curly hair was the weakest, while dry and ethnic hair were almost comparable to each other. 10% gugo registered the strongest hair strength, followed by okra, then okra and gugo. Together, these three treatments were significantly different from all other treatment. The longer the soaking time, the stronger the hair strength. Phase 4: Acceptability of treatments. For normal hair, the two treatments showed no significant differences in terms of smoothness, softness and manageability. The 90% gugo+ 10%okra treatment was fairly manageable and the 10% gugo + 90% okra treatment was manageable. For dry hair, the two treatments showed no significant difference in terms of smoothness, softness. But there was a significant difference of manageability at 0. 5 probability level. Recommendations Based on the findings, the researcher recommends the following: 1. Use okra as raw material for making shampoo; 2. Further study of the properties of the homemade shampoo to establish the effect on hair; 3. Follow-up research must be conducted on the acceptability for other types of hair; 4. This research would provide information to those who are interested in the production of this product. Bibliography Jumaquio, Francine Faye A. , et. al. , â€Å"A Feasibility Study of Gugo and Okra as Homemade Shampoo†.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Management Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management Concepts - Essay Example There are several reasons for such a feeble sales growth, which are discussed in the next paragraph. Major issues faced by Hogsmeadow Glass center Inventory: Hogsmeadow offers a diverse variety of products to its customers both seasonal and year round ones. The owner finds it extremely difficult to precisely estimate the amount of products, specially the perishable and seasonal ones, and thus ultimately ends up suffering loss due to either selling the off season products on huge discounts or throwing off the spoiled products. Estimating the precise amount of the stock is a crucial financing decision as significant costs are associated with the wrong choice. Estimating too low of the product leads to stock out cost, thus waving the customers away. Keeping a stock also results in cost of maintaining the inventory. Thus it is necessary to calculate the amount at which the overall cost of inventory is minimal. There is no appropriate procedure for the calculation of the stock which resul ts in a mere guess as to the amount to be stocked. This dearly cost them. Honeydukes Restaurant: Honeydukes restaurant is the only eatable spot in the surrounding area and thus often experience a gigantic load of customers to enjoy its eatable products and services. Due to the increase in the load, the resulting large queue often enrages the customers and they turn back without enjoying their meals. Three reasons may account for the resulting long queue. 1. The misallocation of work among the available staff: As evident from the case study, from among the 12 staff members, seven are deployed for kitchen work and one each for remaining errands. This allocation of work among the staff members seem inappropriate which results in people standing for long in queue for their turn in peak time. 2. Small area over which the restaurant spreads: Though the area occupied by restaurant has not been stated, yet it is clear from the case study that restaurant does not have enough seating for peak times when people reserve their places by placing their belongings. This shows that some of the visitors may not find a place to sit in and enjoy. One other reason pointed out in the case study for the seating problem is that people, after enjoying their meals or other orders, just sit there for long without any reason thus further causing the acute shortage of chairs. 3. The part of the self-service procedure: The restaurant has a policy of partly self-service and partly assisted service for its customers. The self service results in long queues, having people to wait for long thus resulting in frustration among them. Division of service between self and assisted may be a suitable option for restaurants having organized systems with efficient and multi tasking personnel and a sufficiently larger area to accommodate for such a system. Though self service essentially reduces cost of staff scheduling but for this to work out, staff should be properly trained to work at their maximum speed so that the customers are catered to instantly. In case of Honeydukes staff members, it seems that the kitchen personnel are not trained to deal with many orders simultaneously as evident from the case study. It takes more then the usual time in peak hours to prepare children lunch boxes. Staffing issues: Hogsmeadow Garden Center also has staffing issues. As stated by Don Dursley, finding the right person for the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employee Relations - Essay Example 70). The top organizations achieve this by empowering the employees to take part in work place decision making. Therefore, employee engagement in decision making is a powerful factor in organizations’ success. Employees who are engaged in decision making processes in an organization are more focused on their customers and more productive. Therefore, the profit making organizations and employers retain them for the key purposes of business success and continuity (Kahn 1990, 9.700). According to various researches carried out across the global business markets, employees’ engagement in work place decision making is a significant strategy for organizations that aiming to succeed in the global market place. Employee engagement in decision making is not a Human Resources initiative that top level management need to be reminded always. Employee engagement in decision making is a significant initiative, which drives the employee performance in the work place, accomplishment an d continuous improvement always (Conway & Monks 2009, p.155). It is the impact from the way a particular organization associates itself with the employees in order to move the business outcomes. Therefore, various organizations can create employee empowerment by engaging them in decision making processes in the organization. ... The employees who are actively disengaged in making decision process in an organization’s bottom line erode business success and they break the morale of the other employees in the process. Nevertheless, employees are more likely to be involved in work place decision making if the organizations provides various factors (Bakker & Schaufeli 2008, p. 150). For instance, the employee engagement in decision making should be a business strategy and it should concentrate on finding engaged employees and retaining the employees engaged in work place decision making throughout the employment contract. In addition, employee’s engagement in work place decision should mainly focus on business results. This is because workers are mostly engaged in decision making process when the key objectives of the organization are aligned with the objectives of the employees. It is evident that workers feel empowered and motivated when they are accountable to the business success and they can me asure and value the results of the performance and active participation in decision making. The strategic goals and objectives of the employer and the employees should be frequent and there should be an effective communication that informs and reaches the employee at his or her rank and performance in his or her job. Engaged employees in decision making in an organization have the information needed in order have an understanding of what they are supposed to do each day and how their performance affects the company’s priorities and goals (Konrad 2006, p.4). Employee engagement in decision making is very critical to an organization’s success. Nevertheless, some of the organizations do not it

Establish & Adjust the markerting mix3 Case Study

Establish & Adjust the markerting mix3 - Case Study Example Swann was founded in 1988 by David Swann in Melbourne, Australia and now has offices in the USA, Australia, and Hong Kong with global distribution through partners in the UK, Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, the Middle East and more. The company will continue its aggressive drive to expand its international distribution network in the future. Swann's reseller network includes some of the worlds largest retailers and distributors including Fry's Electronics, Radio Shack, The Home Depot, Ritz Camera, Brandsmart USA, Makro, Maplin Electronics, Currys, Dixons and Dick Smith Electronics. Swann's sales expectations: "Globally, Swann expected to report sales revenue of between US million and US million this financial year. Around 75 percent of these revenues would be generated from international markets, Lane said". Swann expected CCTV to grow strongly due to concerns about vandalism, crime and even terrorism. CCTV products were used in the arrest of suspected terrorists following the recent bombings in London. The company recently signed an agreement with an unnamed supply partner that would allow it to develop products exclusively for some of the world's largest retailers. Swann was targeting the top 200 retailers around the world, Lane said. Although sales of Swann's traditional IT products such as modems and USB peripherals were still strong, the growth market was security, Lane said." The article also reported that Swann's financial position is good, "'We're in a strong financial position', he said It is believed that the CCTV market worldwide is potentially worth around US billion. Last

Monday, August 26, 2019

Women in boardroom Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Women in boardroom - Assignment Example Some of the perceptual distortions include stereotyping, self fulfilled prophecies, halo-effect, projection and the perceptual defense. Most of these problems arise due to selectivity that exists within the perceptual process. Stereotyping and self fulfilled prophecies are the biggest challenges that decay the majority of the societies (Mullins, 2008).   Stereotyping is the hypothetical judgment of people whether negatively or positively based on generalization from some perceived similarities. This perception arises based on an expected characteristic from that person rather than the actual recognition of the person. Stereotyping occasionally simplifies the perception process by judging people and the general outlook of the world by ignoring the complexity of the stimuli. A person is judged according to the group which he or she belongs to. Prejudgments are usually done while ignoring the accuracy or deviation of the actual subject (Mullins, 2008).   Self fulfilled prophecy also termed as Pygmalion effect; in essence means trying to valid a perception. Many people are often struggling to confirm a theory that they have invented. The people’s beliefs and expectations often influence their attitudes and behavior in a move to prove that their beliefs are actually true. Managers’ expectations organizations have a strong impact on the employees. Therefore, an organizational culture can influence or hinder the development of its employees (Mullins, 2008).   The organization plays a big role in fostering personal development of employees especially women. The organization’s beliefs and structure can highly determine the outcome of the employees. One of the factors that can change the employee’s personal development is the organizational culture. A negative organizational climate will hinder the development of women. If an organization frequently encourages their

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reflection on American studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection on American studies - Essay Example â€Å"Gendering† the conversation of globalization reveals the restrictions stuck between the actualities of women’s and men’s survive and normal academic work regarding worldwide procedures. Joint with essential concentration to race and racial procedures, â€Å"gendering† ought to construct a enhanced consideration of current worldwide issues. Before clarifying several of the wide-ranging feminist work that has gendered worldwide investigate and hypothesis, I momentarily scrutinize the thought of sexual category. Sexual category as used here is defined as discrimination, splitting up, and distinction communally rises around assumed difference between feminine and gentleman. Gender is a necessary classifying standard in communal life, a faith for allotment of responsibility, human rights, rewards, and authority, as well as the resources of fighting. Gender is a issue in arranging daily existence for persons, relatives, group of people, and civilization as large arrangements. Women are frequently underprivileged in stipulations of authority and substance and rank rewards. Gender is neither a necessary trait of persons nor a stable in communal existence, but consists of objects and figurative features of survivals, continuously shaped and reproduces in the track of continuing societal actions and performance. The trouble at this time is not one of a skilled sentiment â€Å"missing out.† Relatively, it is a pervasive issue in human studies and American studies of point- reluctance to find the paths where the American studies and human studies can easily improve their understanding with each other. Surrounded by average genealogy of US-based cultural lessons, national studies and new racially-based studies began from a comparable instant of empowerment in the efforts for ethnic and racial civil rights in the 1960s and 1970s, frequently in unity with Third World decolonization engagements. More and more, Native American lessons hi ghlights relations connecting Native America and native group of people in the area of the globe, reframing queries of power and native human rights in global conditions whereas continue to confront opinionated conversations of the realm. Such employment decanters paradigms of primary contact with European regal authority and consequent command by the United States armed and administration that have eclipsed debates of local contact with working class of other origins. Corresponding theories of history as the revision of the history and social evaluation of the life sciences, different ideas regarding the American studies in a disciplinary point of view enforce the results and findings of  American  culture’s understanding in its entirety and the general concepts of American culture at its surroundings. Some authors describes their suggestions at the University of California Faculty of American studies e.g. Jay Mechling, Robert Merideth, and David Wilson, How Jews Became White Folks and what it depicts in American culture, American Jewish narration go into the dialogues. The writer conveys the just around the corner as an anthropologist to this energetic combination of literatures transversely obedience. The effect is a fine investigation of the crossroads of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Internet - Essay Example The same letter now takes just the click of a mouse to bridge that distance over the Internet. With the advent of VoIP, it is now possible to engage in ‘face-to-face’ video chats with persons in any corner of the globe with tools such as Skype. Moreover, this is accomplished at a miniscule price, in comparison with the cost of airmail postage or telephone tariffs. The speed of communication the Internet offers is particularly appreciated at times of emergencies, and natural disasters, when warning signals can be instantly transmitted across the globe. The life-saving benefits of this speed of communication cannot be denied. Social life has undergone a sea-change with the advent of the Internet. As the Internet has demolished â€Å"the traditional communications constraints of cost, geography, and time,† it has opened up a whole new world of social interaction (Glassman, 2010). Before the Internet, socialization was defined by the limited boundaries of face-to-face interaction. E mail, social networks, online chatting, files sharing, gaming, and discussion groups have made social horizons infinite. The Internet provides opportunities for the development and improvement of social ties. Long-lost friends from school and college days, who faded irrevocably out of lives in the past, are now rediscovered, and friendships are renewed, on social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace. News and photographs are exchanged easily. The Internet remains unrivalled in â€Å"creating, cultivating, and continuing social relationships† (Glassman, 2010). It is now possible to maintain twenty-hour social connectivity and frequent updates through sites such as Twitter. The Internet creates opportunities for social interaction between... Social life has undergone a sea-change with the advent of the Internet. As the Internet has demolished â€Å"the traditional communications constraints of cost, geography, and time,† it has opened up a whole new world of social interaction (Glassman, 2010). Before the Internet, socialization was defined by the limited boundaries of face-to-face interaction. E mail, social networks, online chatting, files sharing, gaming, and discussion groups have made social horizons infinite. The Internet provides opportunities for the development and improvement of social ties. Long-lost friends from school and college days, who faded irrevocably out of lives in the past, are now rediscovered, and friendships are renewed, on social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace. News and photographs are exchanged easily. The Internet remains unrivaled in â€Å"creating, cultivating, and continuing social relationships† (Glassman, 2010). It is now possible to maintain twenty-hour soci al connectivity and frequent updates through sites such as Twitter. The Internet creates opportunities for social interaction between people of like-minded interests and tastes, regardless of their place of residence. Voluntary organizations, religious, civic and social groups harness the power of the Internet to encourage participation, organize activities, raise funds, and recruit members through tools such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and texting. The Internet has remade the business world. Shopping no longer requires a visit to the mall or the corner supermarket.

Friday, August 23, 2019

How America is Responding to the Flat World Essay

How America is Responding to the Flat World - Essay Example This essay discusses the topic of the United States and that it is no longer the world’s clear economic leader. The researcher suggests that perhaps that is a result of their archaic response to globalization. It will be necessary to redefine productivity in light of emerging technological advancements worldwide. These new policies will have to support the digital revolution, boost technological innovation, enhance workforce skills, promote entrepreneurship and ensure competitive and open markets. The Government will have to look inside and reorganize itself by placing more reliance on networks than hierarchy, more on civic and private sector actors than bureaucracy, and more on technology than on rule-based, bureaucratic programs. Be that as it may, the researcher states that America has single-handedly rescued many third world nations from meager subsistence and it has been somewhat detrimental to the United States internal economic policies. A collective response is necessa ry, but it must be spearheaded by the US Government. The submission to the internationalization of America and the shift away from Americanization by foreign nations demands serious attention. Perhaps rather than internationalization policies, American policy makers should concentrate on emphasizing pursuit of science and technology in the American school system. The researcher concludes that after that American’s themselves might want to become more ambitious in the pursuit of the sciences themselves.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The resistance of a wire varies with its length Essay Example for Free

The resistance of a wire varies with its length Essay To investigate how the resistance of a wire varies with its length Equipment Needed: o power pack o 5 wires o Voltmeter o Length of wire o Ruler o Ammeter o Crocodile clip Circuit Diagram: Prediction: The equation V=IxR is how you find the resistance rate. Im now going to re-arrange it to R= V for this to work the temperature has to stay I Constant or it will not work. So I predict that if I increased the length of the wire the resistance will be increased. So I think that if you double the length of the wire the resistance will be doubled. Method: o Collect the equipment and set up the circuit by measuring the wire o Turn on the power pack. o Slowly increase the power o Connect the crocodile clip onto the copper wire to make the circuit complete. o Using a ammeter to measure the amount of current in the circuit o Using a voltmeter to measure the amount of voltage across the circuit o Record results Repeat this with all the different lengths on the wire. Also on the experiment make sure that you read the meter from directly in front by using parallax. Another thing makes sure that the needle is not moving around this then makes the measurement correct. Fair Test: To make this a fair test Im going to keep everything the same in each test apart from the length of wire. The wire will be the same thickness and material every time. Safety: Its important that the wire does not get to hot that it burns. To prevent this from happening I wont let the current go any higher than 2amps. Preliminary work: Current (A) Measurement (CM) Voltage (V) 2. 0A 10CM 0. 4 1. 5A 10CM 0. 3 1A 10CM 0. 2 0. 5A 10CM 0. 1 Current (A) Measurement(CM) Voltage(V) 2. 0A 90CM Off scale 1. 5A 90CM 3. 4 1. 0A 90CM 2. 5 0. 5A 90CM 1. 0 We decided not to use a current of 2 Amps because it melts the wire. The other thing was we decided not use 90CM because one of the readings was off the scale. Practical Results: Length (CM). Current (A) Voltage (V) Corrected Resistance ( ) CorrectedLength (CM) Current (A) Voltage (V) Corrected Resistance ( ) Corrected Length (CM) Current (A) Voltage (V) Corrected Resistance ( ) Corrected   Our meter read 0. 1V even when no circuit was connected so I had to take this reading off all the results which is why there is a corrected column. Length (CM) Average resistance (ohms) Conclusion: I have noticed that as the length of the wire increases the resistance also increases. This happens because: This all happens because the resistance has doubled like I said in my prediction. I checked this by looking on my graph E. g. 20CM= 0. 44 40CM=0. 88 80CM=1. 76 See each time it has doubled. Evaluation: We found out that there was an error in our voltmeter which meant our first point was on 0. 1. This made our results incorrect which meant we had to re calculate the numbers. We read all our results to one decimal point instead of two. I have an Anomalous point at 20cm. I can see from my results there was a error at 15amps. If I ignore this result and take an average of 0. 5+1. 0amps I get a point that lies on my line. I have shown this on my graph in red. This error accrued by reading the metre wrong. Holly Atkins Page: Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Macbeth Film Comparison Essay Example for Free

Macbeth Film Comparison Essay Compare and contrast the opening scenes of Polanskis 1971 film version of Macbeth with Geoffrey Wrights 2007 adaptation. Roman Polanskis and Geoffrey Wrights adaptations of Shakespeares Macbeth are filmed in different styles despite being based on the same play. This may be to suit a different audience or convey a different message to one another. Roman Polanskis 1971 reproduction opens on a wide angle shot of a beach with a sunrise coming up over the horizon. This creates a feeling of morning, and that this is just the start of a storyline. After this, three old, weathered women appear and dig a hole in the sand- allowing a mysterious atmosphere to develop, which leaves the audience wanting to know more. The witches then bury a dagger encased in a severed hand and a hangmans noose. These items allow the audience to ponder upon the connection of the items. The witches then say their goodbyes and wander off along the beach, the only sound being the squeaking of their cart used to haul the ritual items in. This shot is quite simple, but it creates a feeling of anticipation. Geoffrey Wrights 2007 adaptation opens in a more 21st century blockbuster style, with attractive young schoolgirls playing the part of the witches who vandalise a graveyard by gouging out the eyes of statues of angels and spraying the eyes of the statues with red spray paint. This is quite an aggressive scene to start with, and sets the pace for the rest of the film. Compared to Polanskis version, this introduction offers a more up-beat feel, instead of the more sombre style of the 1971 film. The camera then pans round to a close-up of Macbeths face whose attention is drawn to the young schoolgirls as they wander past him. He then looks at his wife who is kneeling over their dead sons grave crying. Again, another close-up, but this time of Lady Macbeths face which at this point is not particularly attractive. This could show Macbeths desire for a prettier woman in the schoolgirls, and reality- the less attractive sight of his wife; but in the end, no-one knows what he is thinking, just that he is not comforting his wife. Here, the atmosphere is quite tense- lots of things are happening at one time which makes you feel like you are there, in Macbeths hectic, confused mind. In relation to Polanskis film, this film is less mysterious and makes you expect fewer twists because there have been not many so far. The title graphics in Polanskis film are set in a Roman style font, Seriffed and coloured black. The aged font emphasizes the fact that the film is very traditional. This style of writing is often used in newspaper articles. The 2007 adaptation uses a much more modern, contemporary sans-serif font. The text is coloured red- a recurring theme in this film. In the 1971 version, a wide angle shot of the beach is the start of the film. This wide angle shot is used throughout the first scene to depict the bleak landscape that the film is set in. The wide shot could also be showing us the bigger picture- that there are many little thing that make up the plot of Macbeth, and this is just one little thing on a wide, open beach. Geoffrey Wrights film does not include many wide- angle shots in the first few scenes. This is most probably because of the action-packed nature of the film. Therefore the camera follows the action intensely- for example following the witches around the graveyard. This gives the audience an adrenalin rush- especially in the action scenes where the audience can perceive themselves to be taking part in the violence. In both films however, close-up shots of the faces of the main characters are shown. In Polanskis film this is to show mainly emotion- the creepy expressions of the witches, and Macbeths blank expression when shown in a close-up. When Macbeth is first shown, invaders are being hung in the background- but Macbeth retains his blank facial expression- suggesting that he has no feelings for those being hung. Geoffrey Wrights film shows close-ups of the faces of the witches defacing the statues at the graveyards. These shots show the determination that the witches show by their facial expressions to destroy all that has to do with God and heaven in the graveyard. The close-ups of Lady Macbeths face show her weakness in her love for her dead child. Polanskis film uses very weak morning light as a setting for the beach scene. This gives a dull, grey, washed out look to the beach. The beach seems quite uncomfortable, as it is daybreak and there is almost no light and the open beach makes you feel cold inside creating an atmosphere that hints to you that something bad is about to happen. Similarly, the 2007 version seems to be shot in the day, but there is very little light as the graveyard is overcast. Despite this, the graveyard feels more comfortable due to the auburn hair of the witches which seem to emit warmth and light- allowing the audience to feel more relaxed and enjoy the action scene that follows. Polanskis film opens with the witches burying strange items that all link to death and suffering- a dagger, a noose and a severed hand. Blood (possibly a symbol of murder) is then poured over the items. The witches then spit on either side of themselves, possibly to bind themselves to the witchcraft they are taking part in. the weather at that time is bleak ,and a thunderstorm is brewing- possibly suggesting a little cheaply hat something bad is about to happen. At that point, after the title sequence, the king gallops onto the beach to the sound of trumpets- symbolic of royalty and fame. In Geoffrey Wrights adaptation, a recurring theme of red is used from the start of the film. This colour represents blood, murder, death, danger, and the underworld. For example, the witches hair is Auburn, suggesting that they pose a mild danger to Macbeth. Also, The Cawdor- the bar which is used as a drugs den, has red wallpaper- suggesting that it is part of the underworld. The witches vandalise a graveyard at the start of the film, showing their hatred towards God and heaven. They gouge out the eyes of the angels- possibly making them blind to what is about to happen. Red spray paint is forcefully sprayed in the eyes of the statues, also making them oblivious to the witchcraft about to take place. Crosses are also defaced- possibly a reference to Macbeths worries about his afterlife. After the vandalism, the girls quieten down, possibly showing an ounce of respect seen as though the place they just demolished is a graveyard. Macbeth is dressed in casual attire, but in black, as in the introduction, he is supposed to be mourning his sons death. Macbeths wife also lays down white roses- symbols of love and innocence- ironic as in the end, nobody seems to be innocent! Later on, as Macbeth and his gang chase a drug dealer from the underworld (with the prevailing colour of red), yellow street lights and buildings are shown- this separated the real world from the underworld. This shows the audience that Macbeths actions are not within the realms of what a normal person would do, and that in order to carry on with his normal life; he must keep his actions inside the underworld. Music is an important part in setting the scene for a film, and in Roman Polanskis film, a droning, repetitive, chaos-inducing tune is used which shows the kookiness of the witches. When Macbeth is shown, a drum beat, not dissimilar to that of an army march beat is used. This shows how Macbeth is a soldier and will fight for his king. The King has music played on a trumpet- vey regal and flattering, this shows his position clearly as a monarch. The music played for the different characters is mostly to show who they are in terms of status; and the music is used instead of a lengthy introduction, allowing the audience to apply stereotypes to the different characters via the music and paint a picture in their minds about the character, but on a deeper level than shown on screen. While the title graphics are showing, fighting sounds are played- simulating the sounds of a battlefield. Plus with swords clanging and maces clashing, the audience are allowed to recreate their own battle in their minds without the help of visual hints. The 2007 version uses similarly annoying, grating noises for the witches- but this time using hissing sounds- possibly a link to the devil posing as a snake in the Bible story of Adam and Eve, where the snake fools Eve into eating the Apple, who then fools Adam into also eating the apple- an uncanny resemblance to the tragedy of Macbeth. Instead of showing a blank screen while showing the title credits, Wright preferred to show a gung-ho showdown between Macbeths gang and an Asian gang. Here, the music is loud and upbeat in contrast to the hissing beforehand- just like the 1971 version. Possibly in an attempt to entice the audience of the 21st century, Wright uses very violent scenes- such as depicting men being shot with submachine guns by Macbeth. Again- this may have been done to excite the audience; and instead of letting the audience make up the fight in their minds, a graphical representation has been put on a plate for them. This was not done in 1971 due to the social taboos against showing excessively violent scenes in films- a theme that runs right through the 2007 version as nowadays, these types of scenes are generally being seen as more and more acceptable; despite many believing that suggesting is much more powerful than stating- as could be the case in Wrights version. Roman Polanskis film shows witches dressed in ragged clothes, unwashed and with no shoes. This allows the audience to see immediately that these women are strange, and not very wealthy. The king on the other hand is shown to wear a fine suit of armour, with a polished helmet- showing his social importance and wealth. Macbeth lies in the middle of the two extremes- not exuberantly poor like the witches- as he wears chainmail and shoes; but not very wealthy and important- as he has no banner or shiny helmet. This simplistic method of categorising people shows the simplistic way in which Polanski is trying to depict the characters and show the audience how Macbeth is lodged between the two extremes of wealth and social status. When Macbeth meets up with his gang for the action sequence, all of his gang are dressed casually in dark clothes. All except the gangs Consigliere (the Kings son) who is dressed in a smart black suit with a red tie- again, with reference to the recurring theme of red, this time showing him as royalty, and as having a higher social status than the other gang members. Hair is an important part of first impressions- in Polanskis film, Macbeths hair is not shown in the introduction, and is hidden by a chainmail hood. This could hint at Macbeth being sheltered from evil and guarded due to his hood acting as a safety blanket. The King wears a crown- a symbol of true royalty, and his hair is uncovered- possibly showing that he is weak. Geoffrey Wrights adaptation also depicts the King as being weaker than the other characters when his hair colour is looked at. The King is shown as having very fair, blonde hair- again being a symbol of innocence and weakness. The witches in Polanskis film have different hairstyles- two have hoods- like Macbeths but made of cloth, and one has dirty, unwashed brown hair. This array of hairstyles allows the audience to realise that the witches are individuals, and are not all identical in the way they behave. On the other hand, the 2007 version shows all of the witches having the same hairstyle and colour- that being red- with connotations to blood and death. This also is trying to show the audience that they are quite aggressive and possibly have links to the devil. Roman Polanskis film depicts Macbeth with 1970s style censoring- no explicitly violent or sexual scenes; but traditional hints at what is happening. Wrights version is essentially a film from a totally different time period- showing excessive violence to help the modern audience understand what is going on. I think that despite the sometimes cheesy details of the film, Polanski has created a classic that really entices the audience and makes them wonder what is going on when subtle hints are dropped directing the viewer on the right direction in terms of their mental picture of the scene. The 2007 version shows how complacent modern-day audiences have become with violence and nudity in films. I think that this is mostly down to the filmmakers wanting to make the film more exciting- in some ways they have, as the action scenes in the film can be quite gripping. But as a teenager, I think that more needs to be done in order to let my imagination get to work and try to think of what is really happening, and what is the film trying to tell me beyond the gratuitous violence.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Are The Defining Elements Of Democracy Politics Essay

What Are The Defining Elements Of Democracy Politics Essay There is no universally accepted definition of democracy, and Arblaster says, Democracy is a concept before it is a fact, and because it is a concept it has no single precise and agreed meaning. (ARBLASTER, 2002: 3) Essentially democracy has three main ideals: Popular Sovereignty, the belief that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of every political power; Political Equality; and Individual Autonomy. Abraham Lincoln summed up democracy well in saying it is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, and so, in the case of liberal western democracies it is government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. For Aristotle the underlying principle of democracy is freedom, since only in a democracy the citizens can have a share in freedom. In essence, he argues that this is what every democracy sho uld make its aim. There are two main aspects of freedom: being ruled and ruling in turn, since everyone is equal according to number, not merit, and to be able to live as one pleases. Democracy is indeed a set of ideas and principles about freedom, but it also consists of a set of practices and procedures that have taken a very long time to develop. In short, democracy is the institutionalisation of freedom. For this reason, it is possible to identify the fundamentals of constitutional government that any society must possess to be properly called democratic: human rights, and equality before the law. Therefore two principles that any definition of democracy incorporates are, namely that all citizens in a state are equal before the law, and they have equal access to power. A third common principle is that all citizens are promised certain legitimised freedoms and liberties, which are generally protected by a constitution or set of legally prescribed democratic practices. This essay will explore these defining elements of a democratic society as well as considering some of the problems faced by democratic institutions in trying to realise and sustain them. One of the most essential elements in defining democracy is self-rule. The word democracy originally came from the Greek demos and kratos, meaning that the people (demos) rule. The only possible object of rule is the people who form the state or political system being considered, hence, the rulers in a democracy, the people, are also the ruled. (HARRISON, 1993) Therefore democracy can be described as people ruling themselves. If one takes the meaning of democracy literally it is essentially the rule of the many. In its original context in the city state of ancient Greece, this rule was exercised directly by the citizens, also called direct democracy. The size and scale of modern states mean this method of rule is often considered impractical. In order to reach an appropriate balance between adequate participation and adequate efficiency and practicability, peoples rule is exercised indirectly through elected political leaders that represent peoples interests (representative democracy ). However, the idea that democratic institutions could accurately represent the people has been debated thoroughly. Some political thinkers, such as Rousseau and Mill, have suggested that some degree of socio-economic equality is needed to guarantee a reasonable level of political equality and therefore indispensable for a stable democracy. Held argued that it is extreme material poverty amongst the masses that renders genuine democracy impractical. On the other hand, Dahl noted that not just absolute poverty but also relative poverty poses a stumbling block for the realisation of political equality and therefore democracy. (SORENSEN, 1993) Rousseau believed that no one could be truly free who did not govern themselves. In his Du Contrat Social, he made fun of the English form of government by claiming that the English people, is free only during the election of Members of Parliament; as soon as the Members are elected, the people is enslaved. (ARBLASTER, 2002: 59), and for him sov ereignty belonged inalienably to the people, the problem was to decide how they could retain it and exercise it. (ARBLASTER, 2002: 60) On the other hand, the English philosopher John Locke defends representative democracy as be believes that men in civil society should enter a contract with their government and that citizens are bound to obey the law, while the government has the right to make laws and to defend the commonwealth from foreign injury all for the public good. (Holden Online) This leads to another defining element of democracy; the fundamental concept which secures the rights of people is the consent of the governed. In a democracy the people are sovereign and are therefore the highest form of political authority. This means the decisions made by the government ultimately have to be accepted by the people. For example, during elections, all the candidates have to campaign freely in order to educate people on their policies and allow them to scrutinise each candidates ideas. Lewis believes Consent is an essential element of democratic theory, but not a distinguishing element. The important test is not whether a major portion of the adult population accepts or approves a government or its policies, but the manner in which this consent is secured (LEWIS, 1940) Hence it is important that elected representatives at a national and local level should listen to the people and respond to their needs and suggestions. However, Hobbes mentions in his book Leviathan t hat in exchange for security, individuals give away their rights to an all powerful ruler (Hobbes, 1651). In the modern day, it is hard for governments to be truly democratic as, due to scale, it is unlikely that all the citizens will agree with all decisions made by the government. The active participation of people as citizens in political and civil life is also important when defining democracy. Active participation of the people is one of the basic requirements for a state to be democratic, and thus it is essential in defining democracy. The main role for citizens in a democracy is for them to participate in public life, hence the right to vote increases participation amongst citizens. Schumpter puts forward a minimalist interpretation of participation in arguing that democracy should only be a mechanism for choosing political leaders. Therefore participation would be limited to voting (SORENSEN, 1993). On the other hand the concept of democratic autonomy can be regarded as an important means of participation which calls for peoples direct involvement at a local level through community institutions. (HELD, 1996) In this sense, participation would incorporate the ability of citizens to directly influence decisions that affect their lives. Therefore, citizens should essentially attempt to gain an understanding of relevant public issues, and be willing to listen to these issues and the views of the government. Education is vital in democracy because, in order for people to fully participate, they have to be informed on the relevant topical issues of their state. It can be argued that democracy relies heavily on collective participation as democracy is stronger as a whole when people actively participate. Rousseau analysed the concept of collective participation when he spoke about the idea of the general will, the result when citizens make political decisions considering the good of society as a whole rather than the particular interests of individuals and groups. (Rousseau, 1762) The active participation of citizens in political and civil spheres of society is a vital element of democracy as, Individuals must be allowed a share in political control because to command obedience without free participation in control is to deny the right of all to self-development through responsibility for their own acts is to reduce men to the degrading irresponsibility of slaves or mules. (LEWIS, 1940) However, personal autonomy must be taken into account when defining democracy. This is because for a society to be democratic people should have the freedom to choose whether to participate in the political process or hand over the decision making to a person or group more qualified to make well informed political decisions, like an elected government. Furthermore, one of the most important defining elements of democracy is that the underlying right of the people is to have rights and more specifically the right of choice. The freedoms to take pleasure in ones own culture, without such minorities being scrutinized; the freedom to express opinions and decide what to do. The European Union believes that democracy and human rights are universal values that should be vigorously promoted around the world. They are integral to effective work on poverty alleviation and conflict prevention and resolution. ( Demonstrations against government policies and decisions are also fine in true democracy, as long as the rights of others are taken into account, hence protests should be non-violent. There is now a general acceptance among the international community about the centrality of human rights and their importance to democracy, and Ghandi gave a useful definition of democracy when h e said, My notion of democracy is that under it the weakest should have the same opportunity as the strongest. The greatest protection of human rights emanates from a democratic framework grounded in the rule of law. The principle that all power ultimately rests with the people and must be exercised with their consent lies at the heart of democracy. Democracy is premised on the recognition and protection of peoples right to have a say in all decision making processes which is itself based on the central principle of equality of all human beings. The exercise of this fundamental political right requires a guarantee of crucial freedoms; to express ones thoughts and opinion without fear, to seek and receive information, to form associations and to assemble in a peaceful manner to discuss public affairs amongst others. Accommodation of the views of minorities is essential to prevent democracy from degenerating into despotism by the majority. The purpose of democracy like that of human r ights protection is to uphold the dignity of every individual and to ensure that the voices of the weakest are also heard. Its core values; freedom, equality, fraternity, accommodation of diversity and the assurance of justice underpin the norms of human rights as well. This leads on to another key element of democracy is majority rule and it is often described as a characteristic feature of democracy. The web definition of majority rule is, a decision rule that selects one of two alternatives, based on which has more than half the votes. ( An essential process in representative democracies is competitive elections, that are fair both substantively and procedurally. Furthermore, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are essential so that citizens are informed and able to vote in their personal interests. The election process of modern liberal democracies sees the party with the majority of votes leading the government and representing the people on a national scale. This is crucial when exploring democracy because, even though only a proportion of the population are in agreement with the government, it is the largest so the greatest number possible will be satisfied. Ho wever, without responsible government or constitutional protections of individual liberties from democratic power it is possible for dissenting individuals to be oppressed by the tyranny of the majority. So, therefore, a key element of any democracy is to ensure that minorities have the right to promote their representatives for election to government against the majority view. In conclusion, Winston Churchill once said, It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. Democracy is by no means a perfect system of government but many of its defining elements explored in this essay are vital. Indeed, as Arblaster tells us, democracy is still an unfinished business on the agenda of modern politics. (ARBLASTER, 2002: 10) and there much ground to be covered before we develop a fully democratic system. The original direct system of democracy from ancient Athens was possible down to the fact that the scale, in comparison to the present day, was far smaller. Therefore, it seems that presently, the closest we can get to proper democracy is a representative system with elected representatives making decisions and carrying out policies for the people. The nature of democracy has changed over time but the essential elements that make up its definition remain the same. To summarise, the three main elements of de mocracy are essentially participation, competition and liberties and perhaps what is most important to note is that the ideas behind democracy are based on, the hypothesis that power and the right to exercise power belongs to the people (Goodwin, 2007, p.288). The pillars of any modern day western liberal democracies are as follows; sovereignty of the people, government based upon consent of the governed, majority rule, minority rights, guarantee of basic human rights, free and fair elections, equality before the law and constitutional limits on government. A democratic society must incorporate these values as democracy is more than a set of constitutional rules and procedures that determine how a government functions. In a democracy, government is only one element coexisting in a social fabric of many and varied institutions, political parties, organisations, and associations.

Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

Abortion: A Controversial Issue One of the major controversial issues confronting the society today is abortion. I choose abortion as the topic of discussion since it contradicts my values and beliefs. Abortion is the extraction of the human fetus from the mother’s womb with an intention to end the life of that fetus prior to its natural birth. The controversy surrounding abortion is whether it should be legalized or not? In my opinion, abortion is morally and ethically wrong because it leads to violation of human rights. Life is precious and only it’s Creator has the right to take it away. I chose this issue for discussion to bring to light many of the hidden facts and arguments, of which people are unaware and not very sensitive today. Three of the many aspects of abortion can be taken into consideration 1) Motives behind abortion 2) Pro life v/s pro choice. 2) The growth of the â€Å"Dead Baby Industry.† Abortion is an issue lacking of humanity and moral value because of the various motives behind it. Abortion is the most extreme, permanent and devastatingly violent solution, for an unborn child. As said by former Surgeon General and a pediatrician Dr. C. Everett Koop, the most common reason for abortion is convenience. Only three to five percent of all abortions performed are for reasons of rape, incest, the possibility of a deformed child, or severe threat to the life of the mother. As Dr. Koop, has pointed out, the majority of partial birth abortions are not required by medical emergency. According to researchers at the Alan Guttmacher Institute, of those obtaining abortions in 1980, 30 percent were under age 20 and 79 percent were unmarried, which shows that abortions in the United States are most often sought as a "solution" to the problem of pregnancy outside of marriage. The major reason behind most of the abortions is mere inconvenience or unwantedness of the baby seems mean, insensitive and unreasonable. Pro-life vs. pro choice is a leading fundamental concern regarding the abortion controversy. The main argument of the pro-choice view for legalized abortions has to do with a woman's right to privacy and her right to control her body. The pro-choice viewers do not approve of governmental interference in personal matters like abortion. Certainly this right of p... ... in society. The worldly materialization and sophistication has made the abortionists so insensitive towards morality that life has lost its true worth. The main point is not the price that an eye, a brain or heart is sold for, but that a helpless child had to be killed in order to obtain these parts. Thus legalizing abortions would not mean giving the opponents a right to privacy and choice, but would in turn give a boost to their multimillion dollar biotechnology industry (Crutcher,M). I’m the defender of the right to life in America and an issue like abortion should light a fire in the hearts of all who respect this nation’s founding principles. The strength of the pro-life position is not because of some clever definition of life. Rather the facts force us to admit that this is a unique individual human life, whose helplessness in the womb can either motivate us to compassion, nurturing and protection or be used as an excuse and opportunity to exercise our deadly power and earn millions. As a result, legalizing abortion would open doors for plenty different sinful industries. This in turn would not lead to progress.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

Antonio, a Venetian merchant, complains of melancholy; his friend Bassanio asks for a loan to travel to Belmont to court the beautiful heiress, Portia. Antonio agrees, but says that he must borrow the money from one of the city's moneylenders because all of his ships are at sea. At Belmont, Portia is also melancholy because, according to the terms of her father's will, she must marry the man who chooses the casket (out of a choice of gold, silver or lead) containing her portrait. If he chooses wrongly, he is condemned to remain unmarried forever. Antonio approaches Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, to ask for a loan. Shylock hates Antonio and tricks him into promising to forfeit a pound of flesh if he cannot pay in time. Shylock's daughter Jessica elopes with the Christian gentleman Lorenzo. Bassanio, accompanied by friend Gratiano, departs for Belmont. The Prince of Morocco comes to Belmont and chooses the wrong casket; meanwhile, in Venice, rumors swirl that Antonio's ships have been lost at sea. The Prince of Arragon also chooses the wrong casket, and then Bassanio arrives at Portia's house. He and Portia fall in love, and he makes the correct choice (the lead casket), but their happiness (and that of Gratiano, who will marry Portia's lady-in-waiting, Nerissa) is interrupted by news that Antonio has lost all his money and failed to pay the debt, and Shylock is demanding his pound of flesh. In Venice, Antonio is taunted by Shylock, who refuses to listen to reason. Portia disguises herself as a man and secretly follows Bassanio to Venice. The Duke of Venice presides over the trial. When Shylock refuses to accept Bassanio's offer to repay the loan, the Duke announces that he has called on a legal expert to settle the matter. A letter arrives from the expert, saying that he has sent one of his brightest pupils to pass judgment--the pupil is Portia, who arrives dressed as a young lawyer. She reads the contract, and declares that Shylock is entitled to the flesh. The moneylender praises her, but Portia then adds that the contract says nothing about shedding blood, so Shylock must cut the flesh without making Antonio bleed or else be arrested for shedding a Christian's blood. Shylock angrily retreats and says that he will take Bassanio's money, but Portia denies him even this, declaring that he has conspired against a Venetian citizen's life and thus his own life is forfeit.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge Essay -- Terry Williams Refuge Essays

Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge Adaptation is the source and story of a species’ survival. Human beings’ journey across and habitation of the earth’s surfaces demanded resilience to change. As a result each race is a product of the land in which they inhabited. We have grown with the land. Our physical traits tie us to a particular region, a particular place, but what of our emotions? Are they another link to our homelands or do they orphan us, forcing us to seek refuge? Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge, is the story of her adaptation to change, her struggle to weather changes. The emotional maturity of her relationship with the Great Salt Lake is a subset of her wider community’s relationship to their homeland. This emotional separation from the land is characteristic of modern societies, not the archaic ones. For a Native American tribe like the Sevier-Fremont, the land is ---. In order to successful adapt to the changes in her life, Williams combines the present day idea of owner ship of the land with the Sevier-Fremont people’s example of reaction to changes in the land to form the skills necessary for her survival. In 1982 the Great Salt Lake had begun to rise once more and Williams’ mother’s cancer had returned. As naturalist-in-residence at the Utah Museum of Natural History, she was interested in the effect this rise in the lake would have on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as well as the measures implemented by the state to control this unprecedented rise. The Great Salt Lake preserved many of Williams’ childhood memories in its briny waters. Its rising waters threatened to destroy everything that had grown from it and depended on its stability. Williams believed that left on its own the lake would right itself. ... ...d and selflessly relinquishes her mother to death. She comes to realize the cycles involved in life and enters a new relationship with her mother and the Great Basin. Her mother although she’s dead is always with her and the Great Basin has now become her home. In an act of civil disobedience Williams goes to protest at a testing site armed with her pen and paper. Wlliams shows her understanding of the natural cycle of death by leaving an injured bird she could have saved to be with her dying mother. Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge is an illustration of human beings deteriorated relationship with nature. Nature is no longer our life source but something for us to own and control. Although we might recognize its life giving potential we do not see it as part of ourselves in that whether we were molded from its clay or evolved from bacteria. We grew from the earth. Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge Essay -- Terry Williams Refuge Essays Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge Adaptation is the source and story of a species’ survival. Human beings’ journey across and habitation of the earth’s surfaces demanded resilience to change. As a result each race is a product of the land in which they inhabited. We have grown with the land. Our physical traits tie us to a particular region, a particular place, but what of our emotions? Are they another link to our homelands or do they orphan us, forcing us to seek refuge? Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge, is the story of her adaptation to change, her struggle to weather changes. The emotional maturity of her relationship with the Great Salt Lake is a subset of her wider community’s relationship to their homeland. This emotional separation from the land is characteristic of modern societies, not the archaic ones. For a Native American tribe like the Sevier-Fremont, the land is ---. In order to successful adapt to the changes in her life, Williams combines the present day idea of owner ship of the land with the Sevier-Fremont people’s example of reaction to changes in the land to form the skills necessary for her survival. In 1982 the Great Salt Lake had begun to rise once more and Williams’ mother’s cancer had returned. As naturalist-in-residence at the Utah Museum of Natural History, she was interested in the effect this rise in the lake would have on the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as well as the measures implemented by the state to control this unprecedented rise. The Great Salt Lake preserved many of Williams’ childhood memories in its briny waters. Its rising waters threatened to destroy everything that had grown from it and depended on its stability. Williams believed that left on its own the lake would right itself. ... ...d and selflessly relinquishes her mother to death. She comes to realize the cycles involved in life and enters a new relationship with her mother and the Great Basin. Her mother although she’s dead is always with her and the Great Basin has now become her home. In an act of civil disobedience Williams goes to protest at a testing site armed with her pen and paper. Wlliams shows her understanding of the natural cycle of death by leaving an injured bird she could have saved to be with her dying mother. Terry Tempest Williams’ Refuge is an illustration of human beings deteriorated relationship with nature. Nature is no longer our life source but something for us to own and control. Although we might recognize its life giving potential we do not see it as part of ourselves in that whether we were molded from its clay or evolved from bacteria. We grew from the earth.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Motivation Letter Essay

Motivation Letter Application For Studying In University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille To whom it may concern: In addition to all my documents provided, I would like to take this great opportunity to write a motivation letter to clarify my main reason that drives me to study in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille. After graduation from _____ University major in Industry International Trade, I acquired knowledge in an extensive business area, for example, accounting, finance, international trade, corporate management, law etc. I worked at Credit Control department at Accenture Consulting Company for around 2 years. My responsibility includes providing customer service to UK clients, collecting overdue debt, applying cash payments, making financial adjustments and analyzing credit status for customers. My interpersonal skills improved greatly and English skill was polished as well through daily contact with British customers. Currently I have been worked as assistant product manager at Golden Label 5 International Trade Company. My responsibilities are to communicate with the sales team, the distributors and the promotional girls in order to motivate them and to let them be more and more aware of our brands images to manage efficiently the existing marketing tools to participate in the development of new marketing tools and participate in the development of the promotions for the day market. I believe that my current working experience is the main reason that drives me to study in France. By choosing to study University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille there are a few advantages that I can achieve my goal: My current job is to assist my French boss (marketing director) to communicate with the sales team, the distributors and the promotional girls in order to motivate them and to let them be more and more aware of our brands images. Meanwhile boost and maintain our brand image. In order to cooperate better with my boss, I started to learn French since last June. Although we still discuss in English during daily life, my French language does help me a lot when I explain some authentic French traditional wines and spirits knowledge to customers. I know more and more about French, French culture, French wine, etc. And I believe that what I will obtain in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille give me a global view of International corporate management and have a multi-culture background. France is a multicultural country, and University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille is a well-known multicultural university. I can learn how to interact within different cultures to improve my interpersonal skills. I also can build up a network that comprises friends from different countries and areas. France has good relationship with China. And now China is becoming certainly the biggest potential market for France. With my multi- culture background and French experience and skills, when I have completed study in France and returns China, I can participate into the development of business cooperation or any other relationship. In short, by choosing to study in University Paul Cezanne Aix Marseille, I will benefit greatly from the extraordinary experience for building up my professional career, and I will help to build China, my motherland, into a well-managed market economy country. I am looking forward that my application can be assessed and approved at your earliest convenience! Kind Regards Li

Friday, August 16, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay- Speak

These themes are very prevalent with the man in Not Waving But Drowning by Steve Smith and with Melinda from Speak by Laurie Hales Anderson. In the novel Speak, the mall character, Melinda Sordid has many tough problems to face. Sometimes, she chooses not to ask for help, but merely hang back and let It pass her by. After a while, her problems almost swallow her whole. She gets the help she needs when she acts well enough to deserve it again. However, in Not Waving But Drowning, the man did not treat people very well, did not deserve help, and did not et it.He lost his battle against the world and took his own life. In both cases, the choices you make decide whether or not you get the help that you need. The man from Not Waving But Drowning, whom will be called George for the time being, and Melinda Cordons seem to have many things In common. But there are some key differences between them. For one, Melinda lives through her pain. By the end of her story, she has gotten help and is w ell on the Journey of rediscovering herself, however, George was not so lucky.George was known for messing with people and being a prankster. Even though this could've been a defense mechanism, George may have brought his tragic death or pain on himself. Whether or not George actually died or he Just had extreme depression and pain In his heart from the world is not clear, but he clearly Is not able to deal with the amount of pain that he Is dealing with. A major difference between Melinda and George would be that one lived through their painful ordeal and one did not. Another major difference between Melinda and George would be suicide.By the ay that Not Waving But Drowning implies that it was â€Å"too cold for his heart to handle†, George sounds dead. The cause of death being the fact that his heart couldn't handle the cold, but not literally. This means that he couldn't take the pain, and ended his own life. Melinda, however, only made one attempt at cutting her wrists wi th paperclips. In fact, after that being her all time low, she picked herself back up and found her own strength in her flaws. The matter of suicide is another difference that Melinda and George have.There is, however, one major similarity that George and Melinda have. Nobody saw his or her cries for help. For George, â€Å"Nobody heard him, but still he lay a Joke because he loved â€Å"larking† or messing around. Melanin's cries for help were written off as well, such as when she cried on Christmas, her sudden drop in social skills, grades, and an effort at life. They are clearly cries for help when it is realized that she longs for a friend, no matter how much she pushes people away. Melinda and George Just want some help but nobody recognizes it.The help you get depends on how you treat others and whether or not you deserve it. George and Melinda treat people in certain ways. George treats everything like a Joke, therefore his cries for help and pain is written off as a Joke. Melinda treats people as awfully as she feels inside. One mistake made her from a normal carefree girl to who she is in most of the novel Speak. Her mistake does not make her unworthy of help, so she gets it. No matters how long it takes, better late than never, help with come to those who deserve it.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Eradication of Corruption

†¢Corruption hurts economies, people, and governments. Corruption is unethical, immoral, and illegal in many societies, religions, and countries. It needs to be stopped. Private organizations, United Nations, and some governments have attempted to stop corruption or at least have tried to prevent it. They have failed, however Eradication of corruption should be the nation’s number-one priority in view of the ever-increasing horizon of political and administrative corruption and its baneful multifarious effects on the society-at-large.It needs to be understood by all that eradication of corruption is only possible if strong political commitment exists. Without strong political commitment, bureaucratic reorientation and a vibrant and effective civil society, checking corruption turns into a very difficult almost impossible task. Corruption is more in india only because even if they are caught they are coming out in minutes with money or power. so we should have a policy cal led rule is rule for everyone,even for politicians . Noting that India is presently ranked at 72nd place among 180 countries by the Transparency International in its latest Corruption Perception Index (CPI), the Centre said it has taken several measures and is â€Å"moving progressively† to eradicate the menace.Corruption is prevalent at all levels. Improving transparency and accountability could help reduce corruption substantially. However, this requires stricter laws and regulations. To eradicate corruption from india it's important to first eradicate corruption from within ourselves.. We should not keep blaming others for the growing rate of corruption in the country but rather see what we have or what we could do to eradicate corruption from india..First thing to do is to make strict rules and if someone is caught with sth then punish them severely. †¢How Corruption be eradicated from INDIA? I narrate Bullet points: 1)Revive Moral and cultural values by daily viewin g on regional and national Door Darshan during Prime time of real life, practical episodes from lives of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Mahatma Gandhiji, Swami Vivekanand, Saints like Kabir,other regional heroes and torch bearers; 2 ) Reinforce similar programs in schools nd colleges; 3 ) Highlight simplicity of cultural, moral values by eulogising episodes of Awardees like Child Heroes, Teachers, craftsmen, artists, musicians; 4) Revise text books in schools and improvise extra curricular to uphold values per above in every school; 5) RUN educational shorts on mass-media for exhorting citizens for RIGHTS, and How and where to access Right to Information; 6)Introduce more † Jan Kalyan † and P-R in every Govt. Revenue offices, collectorates, etc. 7 ) Improve † supply side † economics for Education by doubling schools, Vocational Diplomas, colleges of Medical, Engineering, I.T, as well as distant and On-line educational facilities; 8 )Improve † Supply side † economics for basics like seeds, irrigation, sprinkler irrigation,Renewable energy devices like SOLAR,WIND for every 10 households to begin with in every village, Farmers' Co-ops for direct marketing to Urban areas; 9)Encourage terrace farming of potatoes, etc like in south american Andeas, and Japanese Rice growing techniques in higher altitude regions, etc; 10 )Involve and encourage more women's NGOs and gram panchayats to monitor all of above to embolden ‘PRO-ACTIVE' GROWTH Orientation, thus avoiding PITFALLS and EVILS of Shortages and Contrived ‘ SOCIALISM ‘. REGARDS.

Korean Wave (Hallyu) in China

â€Å"Korean wave (Hallyu) was coined in China in mid-1999 by Beijing journalists surprised by the fast growing popularity of South Koreans and South Korean goods in China. † However, the phenomenon of Korean wave flows into East Asia especially China during the early twenty-first century. Korean wave covers the craze for South Korean music, TV dramas, pop stars, but also for fashion styles, cosmetics and electronics. There are many reasons causing Korean wave being a popular mass culture in China. Korean wave spread so successful because of the Confucian themes that East Asian cultures are more familiar with, typically dealing with traditional issues such as family, love, and filial piety. China in particular share a similar history with Korea. Furthermore, Korean government propagates their modernization Korean wave through media power. Extensively promoting Korean culture transnational makes it another reason Chinese suddenly start engaging in Korean cultures. As two countries both strongly pay attention to the international culture exchange, people are more likely try to understand and accept it. The effect Korean wave has made on Chinese people is enormous. Daily life like watching dramas becomes popular and the story lines are discussed among youths and housewives. Due to the drama contains everything like music, fashion styles, pop stars and foods. Chinese people start imitating both the way of dressing, make-up putting. Korean restaurants also sprang up quickly like mushrooms. Korean language is also being chosen as students’ third language in order to understand more about the culture. Chinese start travelling to the filming location in Korea so as to enjoy Korean wave natively and it also helps Korean to obtaining another way of economy profit making. Korean traditional ethnics and education view also influenced Chinese people’s life in many ways. Despite those advantages, Korean wave does challenge the Chinese its own culture. Less attention is paid on Chinese its own entertainment industry. As teenagers are the main target audiences under the Korean wave, their world outlook and life values are influenced by it. Korean wave might limits their minds and stop themselves up on the surface. There are two reasons which cause the emergence of Korean wave being widely accepted in China. Firstly and the most important reason is that both Korea and China share a similar history background. Those two countries have had a long historical relationship and both of them are influenced by the spirit of Confucianism. The similar social structure, etiquette and philosophy make Korean wave more acceptable in East Asian countries especially China rather than western countries. Due to globalizations’ rapidly expanding, Chinese people are no longer being confined to American pop culture. However choosing the one which they think is more understandable. Furthermore, the ideology of Confucianism plays an important role in both old days China until now. However, the Chinese Culture Revolution in 1966 has extensively and perniciously damaged the culture understanding which cause the lacking of Confucius value nowadays. Lots of Chinese people can easily trace their traditional values like loyalty, filial piety, benevolence by looking at the Korean drama as those dramas always emphasis on the family relationship and ethnics. Korean dramas are favored because of their richness traditional values which gives a good example showing China how to manage the Confucius value in modern society. It offers both a nostalgic reminder of what has been lost during modernization and an example of an Asian country that has modernized and has retained its traditions. Secondly, since media becomes the global popular culture communicating tool, Chinese people observed that Korean wave is actually a new inspirable culture that they had never experienced before. Depending on the age, interests and values of the spectators, different types of Hallyu have been propagated to different target audiences. Due to the Chinese harsh education system, youths would more likely to accept the new culture with plenty of vigor. Those good-looking pop singer, actor and actress represent the Korean type beauty which is attractive and scintillating. Through both television and internet, young people and women in particular have passion in pursuing their dreaming celebrities and even imitating their way of dressing. Although Korean drama does not have spectacular scene like what Hollywood prefers to have, oppositely the exquisite scene in film and the beautiful actors in drama give people a difference feeling. The Korean public broadcaster KBS has aired its satellite channel â€Å"KBS world† in China for both Korean and foreigners in 2007. KBS hopes their new service can boost Korean wave in China with a population of 1. 3 billion. Moreover, media production is promoted by national policy. Korean government continuously support and promote Korean wave to the whole world by improving their production techniques. The range of implementation of Korean wave expands rapidly as the exposure rate of the word Hallyu increases. Chinese people start to chase the new phenomenon due to the promoting of media. Since the phenomenon of Korean wave flows in to China during the early twenty-first century. The effects that Hallyu has been made largely influenced Chinese people’s daily life, knowledge learning and also largely challenged the development of Chinese its own culture. As TV drama was the first Korean wave imported into China. Watching Korean drama in China is as popular as having Kimchi everyday in Korea. Housewives become the typical group who sit in front of the television and so as youths. The synopsis has been widely discussed at people’s leisure which occupies a large time on their daily life. The successful promoting of Korean dramas is evidenced by the fact that they are now becoming part of the everyday program among different Chinese local television broadcasters. Furthermore even having Korean food, so often appeared in Korean dramas, has become a new fad among Chinese. Thus, Koreans in China and local Chinese people take this as an advantage. So Korean style restaurants sprang up like mushrooms in China especially in big city like Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. A report in the International Herald Tribune noted that â€Å"South Koreans are only just starting to realize that food can be just as profitable an export as semiconductors. † Dae Jang Geum is the drama which well talks about one girl’s life in the royal court within the traditional Korean culture, royal cuisine and traditional medicine being mentioned as theme. After the drama was exported into China and was very well received. Many restaurants named Dae Jang Geum and attracted consumers by putting Royal court cuisine as their shop sign. Also cited was the new appetite for Korean food in China where â€Å"Korean court cuisine has become immensely popular and sales of hanbok (traditional Korean clothing) and traditional herbal medicine have skyrocketed† Korean food suddenly becomes the most popular cuisine among China. Learning and emulating become another significance effects which putted on Chinese people. Stars of such dramas and pop singers have emerged as Korean popular idols among Chinese teenagers. Regional music channel like Channel V in China featured Korean pop music videos which created so many K-POP fans. They vie with each other in imitating their fashion, hairstyle and also make-up. Even more dramatically, some Chinese women ask plastic surgeons changing their face into the celebrity who they like because of the advanced plastic surgeon technology in Korea. As drama Winter Sonata was played on TV, the main actor- Bae Yong Jun’s fashion style was commonly being imitating among male teenagers. The gentle refined glasses with the special carrying scarf dominated the fashion style during that time. Those style dresses were easily seen on the street. Since people are more curious about Korean culture, study Korean language so as to better understands the meaning of the pop songs and dramas. More students take Korean as their third language after Korean wave has coming into China. Furthermore, Chinese see Korean as a good opportunity having and organizing travel tour. Apart from the well-known destination like Seoul, Seoraksan National Park and Andong, the resort island of Namiseom where Winter Sonata filming took place on turned into a famous travel destination for foreigners. People have desires to see and to feel the beautiful scene by their own eyes. Korean wave offers an opportunity for Chinese to experience the Korean culture and Korean wave also offers Korean itself having the opportunity to show their success in transnational culture delivery. The economy benefits Korea obtained from Korean wave are also enormous. Apart from those stunning things Chinese see from Korean wave, it also challenges Chinese people’s thinking, way of living and its own culture maintenance. The strong propagating of etiquettes and ethnics toward different generation among the entire country from Korean dramas and TV programs provokes Korean’s traditional Confucius ideology. That is the part of important culture which Chinese is losing little by little. Korean wave is not only propagating its popular fashion things but also propagating their social values and life styles. As reported â€Å"Chinese people yearn and dream for a bright life by watching Korean dramas. † People have desire to yearn for the lost ‘love’ in the rapidly growing society. Korean typical love story lines give them any opportunity to escape from the reality and believe that love and beautiful things will always beat evil or malignant behavior. The social values which have been communicated through the drama eep reminding Chinese never throwing away the traditions to modernize the country. Nevertheless, there are also some disadvantages Korean waves deeply influenced China and Chinese people especially youths. Firstly Chinese its own entertainment industry is challenged by the transnational power from Korea. As Korean dramas and K-POP came into China, they have tak en almost eighty percent of teenagers’ audiences concentrating on foreigner culture but forgetting the Chinese native entertainment culture. Secondly, there is a need for greater diversity and choice in education for teenagers. As Chinese people are not growing up in Korea and could not experience the life in real Korea. Misunderstandings will definitely being transferred from one country to another. Teenagers accept the surface of the Korean wave through the most visualized media tool like magazines and televisions. Without parents and the society’s rational guide, teenagers will hard to get a thorough understanding about the culture diversity of the whole world. There are complex reasons for the emergence of the Korean wave suddenly catches Chinese people’s attention. For the great esteem people express for high-quality popular culture goods such as TV dramas, music, fashion-style and even cuisines. It is hard to predict the future for Korean wave whether it will fad or continue shining, however, the transnational culture it has been propagated made a remarkable job already. The extensively effects what Korean wave has made did impact on China and Chinese people’s everyday life. Not only up on the surface such as aesthetic standard, entertainment ways, appetite but also the ethnics on family value, loyalty, filial piety and the inviolability of tradition. The Confucianism ideology connects Korea and China which challenged Chinese people’s thinking. In the mean time, since both of them share the similar culture background, Korean wave is easier to be accepted. Balancing Korean wave with Chinese native culture, Chinese people are also concerning about the invasion of Korean wave. Youths are mostly questioned about their future growth depending on other country’s culture. The transnational culture communications bring disadvantages as well. Reference and bibliography Beng Huat Chua, KI 2008, East Asian pop culture: analysing the Korean wave , Hong kong University press. Cai, J 2008, ‘China's first taste of the Korean wave', Korea. net news, 11 august 2008. Doo-hyong, H 2004, ‘ S. Korean Plastic Surgeons Ride ‘Korean Wave' Into China', Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agencies, 30 May 2004. koichi, I 2002, From Western Gaze to Global Gaze, New York, London:Routledge, Diana Crrane eds. Mori, Y 2008, East Asian pop culture : analysing the Korean wave / Chapter 6 â€Å"Winter sonata† and cultural practices of active fans in Japan, Hong Kong University Press. Onishi, N 2006, ‘A rising Korean wave: If Seoul sells it, China craves it', The New York Times Seo, JDAY 2004, ‘Korea as the wave of a future:', Journal of Futures Studies, August 2004, pp. pp. 31-44. Shim, D 2006, Hybridity and the rise of Korean popular culture in Asia, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE. The public broadcaster KBS 2007 , ‘South Korean satellite TV to get foothold in China', BBC Monitoring Media, 26 august 2007. Zi, C 2005, ‘KOREAN WAVE IN CHINA', China Daily, 3 december 2005.